Hey, welcome to Pinning with Presh. I am Presh Rodgers. I am THE Pinterest badass, and I am gonna give you three tips for really improving your Pinterest strategy. I help online businesses like you, learn how to drive more people and profit to their business using Pinterest.
So you’ve been pinning on Pinterest, if you’ve been utilizing Pinterest, which is really great, or maybe you’re just getting started and you’re like, I’m kind of stuck with my Pinterest strategy. These three tips are going to really help you with your Pinterest journey.
📍 Tip #1
So let’s dive into the first tip – you need to identify how to position yourself or your business on Pinterest. So it’s very important to understand that the way you show up on Pinterest may be different from other platforms that you are showing up on. So it’s different from Instagram, it’s different from Facebook, it’s different from LinkedIn, Twitter, whatever other platforms you’re using, TikTok, all those things. Pinterest is different. So you need to identify how to position your business on Pinterest. So you gotta figure out what are the foundational things that you need to be doing and setting them up, right?
That’s your keywords. That’s researching your audience. That’s understanding what content will work best on Pinterest. Those things are going to really help you identify what you need to do and how you need to show up in order to really make the most of your Pinterest marketing strategy, your Pinterest marketing system, which is what I like to call it. We’re going to make sure that we are setting ourself up, our foundational aspects up the correct way. Because if you do not know, Pinterest is a search engine. So one of the most important things about how to position yourself on Pinterest is understanding your keywords and making sure you do your keyword research and making sure that you’re showing up correctly on the platform. I can’t talk about that enough.
📍 Tip #2
The second tip is about the strategy. You need to know how to create a strategy that goes beyond the Pinterest, beyond the platform, that really drives more people and profit to your business because the thing is what you do on the platform. Your Pinterest strategy goes beyond how often to pin and the pretty pin images that you create if you’re actually looking to turn pinners into profit.
It’s important to understand that your strategy involves what you do off the platform. It’s your email list. It’s how you nurture someone. It’s your landing pages, where you’re sending them, making sure they’re optimized, but it’s also what you’re doing on the platform. So your pin images, how often you’re showing up, how often you’re being consistent, all these things together, is going to create your strategy and you have to understand that. A lot of times, what I see from clients is that they’re only focusing on what they’re doing on the platform, and they’re not even thinking about what’s happening off the platform.
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📍 Tip #3
The third tip I’m gonna give you is that you have to know, you HAVE to have an implementation action plan that’s going to keep you showing up and being present. So the thing is all these things work together. You know, if you don’t know how to position yourself on Pinterest or haven’t identified how to position yourself on Pinterest, even if you have a strategy and even if you’re showing up consistently, if you have like an action plan of how you’re going to actually show up with your winning pinning formula, it’s not gonna work out because you haven’t done the foundational work. You haven’t actually done the keyword research to make sure you’re showing up in front of the right people.
If you have identified how to position yourself on Pinterest, but you haven’t created that strategy that directs them to something off the platform, your positioning won’t matter. Even if you have done your keyword research and you’re showing up every day with your implementation action plan, that’s not gonna matter either because once they get off of Pinterest, they have nowhere to go.
If you have identified how to position yourself, you’ve done all your keyword research, all those foundational things, and then you have your strategy. You know what happens on the platform, you know what happens off the platform and you’re working towards that, but then you’re not being consistent. You need an action plan where you actually are showing up. You’re not pinning consistently. You’re like, okay, I pin one day here. And then I come back and pin two weeks, another time. And then maybe this whole week I’ll pin consistently. But then I don’t pin consistently for another three months. If you’re doing that and you’re not being consistent, then none of this matters because that’s all these things are key.
It’s important to identify how to position yourself on Pinterest. It’s very important to create a strategy that drives profit and understand how that works. And it’s also very, very important to have an action plan that keeps you showing up consistently so that you have a presence on Pinterest. I hope these three tips help you fine tune that Pinterest strategy you’re working on so you can maximize your impact on Pinterest and actually understand how magical this platform can be.
If you’re interested in learning more about these things, make sure you check out my masterclass, which is the Three Ps to Pinterest Success, How To Turn your Content into Cash. Find the link HERE, because this is a really, really, really great masterclass to help you understand what you need to be doing as far as identifying, how to position yourself on Pinterest, creating that Pinterest strategy that’s going to really be profitable. And of course, getting that action plan that’s going to get you a presence on Pinterest.
If you have any questions, comments, or anything, make sure you leave them below and I’ll see you next time on the next Pinning with Presh.