How many boards should you have on Pinterest?

How many boards should you have on Pinterest


How Many Boards Should You Have on Pinterest?


When it comes to using Pinterest for business, all boards are NOT created equally 🙅🏾‍♀️

I see a lot of coaches and content creators making these major mistakes with their Pinterest boards and I want to save you from doing the same! So here are two of my best tips that will help you make sure the RIGHT people (your target audience) are finding the content you actually WANT them to see!

#1: How many boards should I have, and what do I call them?


I get asked this question a lot – should you have more than one board on Pinterest? 

The answer is YES. Please have at least 12 to 15 boards, minimum, that are niche specific for your ideal audience.

I get asked this question a lot – should you have more than one board on Pinterest? 

The answer is YES. Please have at least 12 to 15 boards, minimum, that are niche specific for your ideal audience.

So for example…

🥗 If you are a vegan blogger:
Instead of naming your board something vague like “Yum Recipes” (like what does that even mean?), make it more specific, like “Vegan Cake Recipes”. 

Your audience knows exactly what they’re getting from this board. You’re posting or pinning vegan cake recipes to that board. 

💰 If you have a financial podcast:
Instead of naming your board “Money”, make it more specific to what your audience will be searching for. Are they searching for budgets? Are they searching for wealth building tools for millennials? That can be a board name.

What will your target audience be searching for? Your board names should use those keywords.



#2: Can’t I just use the same Pinterest profile for business and personal?


If you are on Pinterest as a business owner, you need to either hide your personal boards or create a separate profile for your business, separate from your personal profile. 

You MUST use your personal profile and your business profile differently. You do not pin what you pin for your personal profile. 

So if you are not a vegan blogger, you should NOT be pinning vegan recipes if you are a business coach for people who are not vegan recipe people. That wouldn’t make sense. 

If it does not align with your business, then you need to hide those boards or create a business account specifically for your business and only pin things, your pins, your content relevant to your boards. 

That means these things need to GO if they are not relevant to your business:
🛑 your favorite travel destinations
🛑 your favorite recipes
🛑 your dream wedding ideas
🛑 your home that you want
🛑 your favorite workouts

So I need you to go right now and see what boards you need to hide as secret board, or just create a whole new business account. And you need to have a business account if you’re using it for business

So if you want it, accept the challenge!

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Two Key Tips for Creating Optimized Pinterest Boards



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