How to Get More Eyes on Your Content Without Ads

Get more eyes on your content without ads


How to get more eyes on your content without ads

Here’s the thing: you didn’t create your content for it not to be seen. So today, we’re going to talk about how to jumpstart your visibility without ads.

Now, when it comes to getting more eyes on your content, it’s very key as a coach or a content creator that you’re using both Instagram and Pinterest. It’s not one or the other. It doesn’t have to be Pinterest or Instagram. I think they should be used together because they have two different purposes. And I’m going to tell you how you can use both of them to get more eyes on your content today.

So how do you get more eyes on your content when it comes to using Instagram? 

The first thing I’m going to tell you is to make sure that you’re showing up on Instagram. You have to be showing up and you have to be showing up consistently, not constantly. There’s a difference. 

So for one person, consistently showing up on your Instagram feed could mean two or three times a week. Consistently for someone else might be posting every single day. 

It’s what works for you, but it shouldn’t be off and on, where you’re posting one time and then you don’t post again for four weeks, then you post two days later, then you post again six months later. That’s not consistent. 

But show up a couple of times a week in a way that works best for you and feels good for you. That way you are getting your community to consistently see what you’re doing and see your content. And that is going to encourage them, when they’re seeing you more and you’re bringing them value, to click the link in your bio.

Then you want to make sure that you are #hashtagging your content correctly. So make sure you’re using the right hashtags for people who you want to connect with to find your content. 

So you want to make sure that if you are trying to reach people who are looking for a business coach or looking for a fitness coach, you are making sure that you’re using the hashtags that they will be searching for. So make sure you are using your hashtags correctly. You’re not using 2 huge hashtags with a million posts under them because you ain’t going to be found in those. I’m just going to tell you it’s not going to work.

And then you don’t want to go too small either, because then there’s not enough people searching that hashtag. So if a hashtag only has like a hundred posts, skip it. 

You want to make sure you find the sweet spot of hashtags that works for you and your niche, and then go from there. 




The second way to get more eyes on your content when it comes to using Instagram is to make sure you’re actually creating content and talking about that content. 

So talk about your podcast, talk about your coaching programs, talk about your digital products. You want to be doing this often. 

Talk about it – you created it! It needs to be heard.

You didn’t make your bomb ass content just for nobody to find it and nobody to know about it. 

You want to be hashtagging your content so it can be found by people who aren’t even following you. Then you want to be showing up in your stories and also talking about it – create story promo slides about your content.

Talk about your products and services often, make sure your followers and your community are always seeing you talk about it. And that is how you get more eyes on your content and more people clicking the link in your bio without having to use ads. You have to be bringing them value at the same time. So do not be so salesy that you’re not actually being valuable to them and what they’re following you for. 

Now, how do you use Pinterest to get more eyes on your content without ads? 

So, you know, I love Pinterest. I love Instagram too, but Pinterest is my baby, my special child. And I love using Pinterest because it works in the background. 

When you want to get more eyes on your content, when it comes to Pinterest, what you’re going to do is create pins for your content. So create pins for your:

📌 podcast episodes,  

📌 blog posts, 

📌 IGTV episodes, 

📌 YouTube videos, 

📌  your content, 

📌 your products.

You want to create pins for all of this stuff. And then you want to of course, put it out on Pinterest. 


The key here is making sure that you’re keywording correctly for your content, so that pinners on Pinterest who are searching for your solutions can actually find what they need, click on your pin, and go find your content, listen to your podcasts, find your coaching program or your amazing digital product. They’re going to find it all from using Pinterest.

And the thing about this is that it’s working in the background. So people are just searching for your content and finding it without you having to do the extra work. 

You don’t have to show up all the time. 

You don’t have to engage. 

You just do the initial work and then it continues to bring people to you, continues to get people to see your content, skyrocketing your visibility. 

So you definitely want to be using both of these platforms because for me, how I see it: 

📌 Pinterest is great for getting your content found, especially by people who do not know you

📌 Instagram is great for getting your content or getting your community to engage with you about your content, because people want to talk to you. People want to know why you created certain things. People want to know more about it. 

Instagram is great for engagement where Pinterest is great for driving traffic to it. So you need to be using both of these platforms as a content creator, as a coach, to really skyrocket your visibility without ads.

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More eyes on your content without ads



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