Hey, welcome to Pinning with Presh! I’m Presh Rogers, and I’m the Pinterest badass. I help online businesses just like yours learn how to drive more people and profit to their businesses by using Pinterest. Today we are gonna talk about the three reasons why you should get started with Pinterest marketing now. And I like to keep these short to the point, no fluff, no BS. So, I’m gonna dive right in.
Reason #1.
The first reason is that Pinterest will allow you to physically show up less, where your content shows up more. So you’re able to maximize your evergreen content without having to show up every single day. Yes, your pins should be showing up as often as possible on Pinterest, but you can use scheduling apps for that. You don’t have to actually show up physically, you don’t have to create storie, you don’t have to do engagement, things like that. Marketing our businesses can really burn us out, can really drain us, and Pinterest allows us to alleviate that, while our content is still reaching people.
Reason #2.
The second reason is, you can use Pinterest to drive more people and profit, like I teach about, to your business on autopilot. The content that you’re going to be creating for Pinterest are pin images, and you’ll optimize them so people can find them. And once those pins are on the platform, people searching on Pinterest will see them.
Maybe they are searching for ‘how they get started with Pinterest marketing,’ ‘how they get started with podcast marketing,’ ‘how to grow my business,’ ‘how to live a happier life,’ ‘how to date my partner more.’ Whatever it is that they’re searching for, and that you have created content around, they can find it at any point in their journey. And that is the most amazing thing about search engines is that people can find what they need, whenever they need it. Not when you just create it.
A lot of times when we’re using these other instant marketing platforms or short term marketing platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, people will see your content when we’re posting about it. When we’re showing up about it. Whereas with Pinterest people can find your content whenever they need it. For example: if I posted something or if I pinned an image on Pinterest six months ago about my free offer, people can find it now, and I don’t have to keep posting or showing up about it. I’ve created pins for it, I have those pins going out, I have keyworded them correctly so that when people are typing into how to get started on Pinterest, they can find my content at any point in their journey.
You can use Pinterest to drive people to your website and from there, you’re able to nurture them in the way that you want to so that they can convert and turn into a profit. Maybe they join your email list. Maybe they join your Facebook group. Maybe they listen to your podcast. Maybe they watch your webinar, whatever it is, you’re utilizing Pinterest in a way to get more eyes on your content. And that content is going to then nurture them, give them value and convert them in the way that you want.
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5 Ways to Prep Your Pinterest for Lead Gen in 2023!
In this FREE Training, I’m going to share with you the exact things I do with my clients in order to get leads and conversions from Pinterest! This training is only thirty minutes and no bullshit so tune in, take notes, and learn how to prep your Pinterest for lead gen immediately! Get immediate access by signing up below!
Reason #3.
The third reason is that Pinterest is really, really great for bringing new leads into your funnels, feeding your funnels. Your funnels are what take people from cold to warm, to hot. So to break that down a little bit; cold traffic are people who are new to you. People who do not know you, they’re just coming across you for probably the first time. Maybe they were searching for something on Pinterest like podcast marketing. They come across your blog posts on podcast marketing. Now they know who you are. They’re familiar with you now. Maybe they have to see you a few more times before they really feel like they know you, but now they’re familiar with you. But before they found that content, you were cold to them.
And then once they come into your funnel cold, it’s time for you to turn them into warm. Warm traffic becomes people who probably follow you on Instagram, follow you on Facebook. They join your email list. Now they’re more familiar with what you do and how you do it. They’re getting to know you. It’s like the cold traffic is like on a dating app when you’re going through your options. These are people who are cold to you, you don’t know them, but when you match with somebody, now they’re warm to you, trying to warm up to them. You’re trying to see if they’re gonna be that person that you wanna go on a date with.
And then hot people are people that usually buy, because now they are familiar with you. They’re familiar with what you do. They are interested in how they can work with you. So for me, people will enroll in my course, they might wanna work with me one to one, but I had to take them from being cold to me and then warming them up, showing them that free value, the way that I teach, the way that I love to work with my clients. And then from there, they’re like, okay, yeah, when I’m ready to get started on Pinterest, I’m definitely gonna work with her. I’m definitely gonna get her course. I’m definitely gonna buy her products, invest in her. Whatever that is, that’s what hot people do and that’s what you want to give people. Pinterest is really great at bringing in those cold leads so you can warm them up and turn them from warm to hot and ready to throw all their money at you.
Just to recap, these are three reasons why I think you should definitely get started with Pinterest:
1) It allows you to physically show up less. You don’t have to get burnt out by having to always show up on social media, because it can be very exhausting and tiring.
2) It allows you to drive more people and profit to your business, and we want to get all the traffic that we can because more traffic equals more money, more reach, more impact, all those things.
3) It’s going to funnel in new leads. And you always want to bring new people into your funnel consistently because that’s how your business is going to grow.
If you are interested in getting started up with Pinterest, make sure you check out my free offers. I have two that will be really helpful for you if you’re looking to get started immediately:
🤑 My masterclass. It’s called the Three Ps to Pinterest Success, how to turn your content into cash. Check it out HERE
🤑 A luxe checklist called the Pinterest Profit Builder. So this will take you through the exact steps based on my baddie framework for driving more people and profit to your business, using Pinterest. It will take you through all the steps that you need to know in order to really get started on Pinterest, what you need to do each step of the way for the next eight weeks. It’s gonna guide you. It’s gonna handhold you the entire process. It’s really, really bomb if I do say so myself. Get it HERE!
And of course, if you have any questions, send me a DM. I’m happy to help. I’m happy to answer any questions or just comment below if this video was very helpful for you!