How Often Should You Pin on Pinterest as a Content Creator?



I’ll get right to it, there’s no set number that I can tell you that you should be pinning on Pinterest as a content creator or coach, but I can give you a minimum and what I deem as a maximum!

And I’m going to say this and get it out the way, it’s not once a day.

If you’ve been using Pinterest like other social media platforms, STOP IT RIGHT NOW! I’ve seen plenty of posts about posting on Pinterest three to four times a week as if they were going to be posting, like how they post on Facebook or Instagram, like go post the pin and let it be. That’s not how Pinterest works. So what I want you first to know is when you go from Instagram or Facebook or another social media platform to Pinterest, please separate them.

Do not treat them the same because they are not the same and they do not function the same.

So to answer why you’re here – I suggest that you pin at least 10 times a day. A sweet spot is between 15 to 20 pins. But depending on the amount of content you have and the traffic that you are generating through Pinterest, you could start at 10 times a day. So at minimum, you need to pinning 10 times a day and my recommendation is at maximum 30 times a day.

Now another key thing, do not pin all at the same time.

Your best bet is to get Pinterest magical unicorn best friend, Tailwind, and they will optimize the best times that you need to be pinning.

It’s an investment worth having and you can get your FREE Tailwind trial that allows you to schedule and publish up to 100 Pinterest pins and/or 30 Instagram posts! Get it now & thank me later. 

You can try it out for 30 days and really see how Tailwind can really help you. I love Tailwind, I do not use Pinterest without Tailwind and I don’t suggest you do either. We left manual pinning back in 2019! Tailwind makes life as a pinner easier.

So to recap, do not pin once a day, pin multiple times a day, pin at least 10 pins a day and pin mostly your content.

Wait a minute what?

Yeah, you read that right. A key thing when it comes to using Pinterest for business is to pin mostly your content. Pinterest has talked about this a lot recently. They want us to pin more of our content. As a business, you are pinning content that is yours to drive traffic to your content. Pin most of your content, you can pin other people content, but keep it to a minimum. No more than 20-25%, but definitely pin as much of your content as you can.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to change your strategy.

If you start with 10 pins and you’re not getting the traffic that you want, bump it up to 20 pins, bump it up to 30 pins. Like I said, I wouldn’t recommend going over 30, but if you think you need to, try it out, but don’t be afraid to tweak your strategy, test it out. See what works.

Give it a little time before you tweak it too much. Pinterest is a slow burn, but just know that you can change it. You can change your strategy. Don’t feel like you’re stuck if it’s not working, find what works or hire me and I’ll find it for you.

Share this post on Pinterest and follow my Instagram for more #pinningwithpresh Pinterest tips!


How Often To Pin and how many times to pin on Pinterest

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Presh Rodgers

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At The Pinning Oasis, we help online businesses & content creators pimp Pinterest to get more eyes on their content, grow their email list, sell more products & overall drive more people and profit to their business with Pinterest!

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