I want to let you in on a little secret: on what doesn’t matter in your Pinterest strategy when you’re first getting started. When people first come to me, the top 2 questions that I tend to get are, “how often should I be pinning per day and how many pins should I be creating per month?” I get messages or emails saying, “I want to get started on Pinterest” or “I’ve gotten started on Pinterest and I don’t have a strategy. I’m trying to figure out how often I should pin or how many pins I should be creating.” And I get it, we want to jump right into things.
But when it comes to most platforms, especially Pinterest, you do not want to just dive right in. As much as we think that the number of times pinning per day is the biggest part of strategy or how many pins need to be created daily, it isn’t.You really have to focus on what happens in the back end. Even when I first got on Pinterest, I was using it more so like a consumer, just pinning anything. But as a business, your strategy is way beyond the number of times you need to pin.
📍 The number of times to pin per day or how often to create Pinterest pins is not the first thing you need to be thinking about when it comes to your Pinterest strategy.
You might be thinking, how does that make sense? It’s really important for you to understand that when we’re talking about Pinterest and your strategy, your funnel is what really matters.
It’s not just about showing up on the platform. It’s really what you’re going to do to get people from Pinterest to your end goal, and that’s where things get a little tricky. That’s what people forget to do, they push that to the side. Although it’s important to know how many times to pin per day or how often to create pins, that’s not what you need to be focusing on when you’re first getting started on Pinterest. You need to really build out your strategy and building it out is a cohesive thing that’s happening behind the scenes and not just going on a platform and pinning.
Pinning your content on the platform is actually implementation. I do Pinterest VIB (Very Important Badass) days, and this is where me, my client, and maybe someone else on their team, meet with me for a day and we have what I call “a little Pinterest party” where we really get to deep dive into their strategy regardless of their business.
So in these VIB days, I walk them through my framework. My framework is three parts; identify, strategy, and implementation. The strategy portion is usually my favorite part of our VIB days, because I really like to let them see what really goes into building a Pinterest strategy that’s beyond the number of pins. Talking about strategy is my favorite part of my Pinterest VIB day, because I really get to dig deep into strategy with my clients. We talk about their funnels, we do funnel reviews where I go through their funnels, their pages, their email sequences and I’m really helping them build out a strategy, a Pinterest sales funnel strategy to help them on and off the platform. We also talk about content strategy because you want to know what type of Pinterest worthy content that you’re going to be creating. It’s the entire process of getting people on the platform to transition off the platform. And that’s what I want people to understand when it comes to your strategy. Of course you have to put your content out there, but you have to use the correct keywords when building your content. Keywords are a part of your strategy.
The amount of times you’re pinning per day is a part of your strategy, but there’s a big part that a lot of people miss and that is key to building a great Pinterest sales funnel that is going to get people from Pinterest to your goal.
Before you get started on Pinterest, do the following:
🌻 Get your Pinterest Business account set up
🌻 Identify who your people are on Pinterest
🌻 Do your keyword research
🌻 THEN you can start building out your strategy (remember, this is all BEFORE you start pinning)
📍 If you don’t know what you want the people on Pinterest to do, once they get to your content, then you’re not going to get the results that you want.
When you don’t plan out your strategy, you’re not thinking about what happens next. For example, if you create a pin, someone clicks on it, what happens next? What do you want to happen next? Have you set up your website, your landing pages, your blogs, your freebies, to take this traffic and do what you want to do with it?
A lot of people say “I want clients from Pinterest,” but they don’t really know how to get people from Pinterest to become their client. They just think it’s going to be as simple as sending them to a discovery call or sending them straight to some $5,000 product. It doesn’t work like that because people on Pinterest are usually new to you. They’re cold traffic.They don’t know you.
You’re going to have to figure out within your strategy, HOW you’re going to take these people from Pinterest to become your client. What are the different steps that you’re going to take these people through and what are the different ways they can reach these steps?
Ask yourself these questions:
🌻 If you’re trying to get a client, do you want them to get on your email list?
🌻 What are you going to do once they get on your email list?
🌻 Do you want them to listen to your podcast? How are you going to capture them?
🌻 Once they start listening to your podcast, are you going to send them to a blog post?
🌻 What is going to be the call to action on the blog post to actually keep them, to nurture them in a different way?
🌻 If you send someone to a blog post, they read the blog and leave the website, they might never see you again because there was nothing there to help them take that next step
🌻 If you have a blog post, and you have a freebie or lead capture in it, you’ll get their email and now you have to nurture them to become a client down the road
Make sure you keep these points in mind when you’re thinking about your strategy on Pinterest. What do you want to happen once your content goes out there? What do you need to do on your end once your content goes out there? Just some questions and things for you to consider when thinking about your strategy.
It means nothing if your content is getting seen and you’re not actually getting them to your end goal because you don’t have a strategy in place.
It’s really important for me to help you all show up on Pinterest in the best way, because it’s a long term marketing strategy. It’s a strategy that works in the background, once you set it up correctly. You know, like for myself, when I go on vacation I know I might not be showing up on social media as much, but people can still find my content whenever they are searching on Pinterest.
That’s why I think it’s such an amazing platform because you can meet people where they are in their journey. You don’t have to show up every day. You don’t have to engage like you do on other platforms, but your content is still there for people to find. You want people to find your content all the time, whenever they can, even if it’s not your most recent thing. It can still be something that’s evergreen and that’s the point that’s worth every penny when you’re a business and you’re growing.