I really need to tell you this: do not be lazy when it comes to your Pinterest keyword research.
Listen, I get it. It’s not the most sexy, charming, fun part of Pinterest, but it is the most necessary part of Pinterest.
Pinterest is a search engine. So in order for people to find content on Pinterest, they search certain keywords. That’s why your stuff has to be keyworded correctly, so your target audience can find your content that solves the problem they’re searching for.
So make sure that you do not skip your keyword research.
I’ll be honest, when I first got on Pinterest as a Pinterest manager, I did not do my keyword research as thoroughly as I needed to and that bit me in the ass. I had to go back and do it the right way, and now my clients’ accounts are soaring, they’re amazing because I keyworded their accounts the right way for what their audience is searching for, to find their solutions and their content. So make sure that you are keywording your things correctly.
You know, you don’t want to be out here and you have all this content on Pinterest, but it can’t be found because it’s not keyworded correctly.
So make sure that you’re putting your keywords in all these places:
📌 pin images
📌 pin titles
📌 board descriptions
📌 board titles
📌 the URL to where they’re going
📌 your Pinterest bio
📌 all 👏🏾 over 👏🏾 the 👏🏾 place.
Go keyword crazy.
So please do me this one solid and make sure that your keywording is up to par. And if you do not do not want to do it, that means you need to hire someone like yours truly to optimize your account for you the right way.