3 Ways Pinterest Can Grow Your Online Coaching Biz

How to Grow Your Coaching Business Using Pinterest


If you’re a badass coach, then you probably want to know ways to continuously scale your business with ease. And I’m going to tell you right now, you definitely need to be using Pinterest. 

Pinterest can help grow your coaching business and help you scale even better and bigger than you already are (because I have so much faith that your business is booming out there)and I’m about to tell you how.

People go to Pinterest with a problem and they’re searching for a solution. They’re searching for ways to improve their business, ways to start their business, ways to become better entrepreneurs.

And if you are a coach out here, teaching people how to do something amazing than people are on Pinterest looking for solutions to their problems and you have it, but you are not on Pinterest. 

So that is definitely why you need to be on there because, being a coach and Pinterest, it just lines up to work out perfectly. So why aren’t you there? Because you need me to tell you some more reasons and don’t worry, I got you.


So this is the first thing Pinterest can do for your coaching business to help it grow:

Pinterest is amazing for driving traffic to content. 

As a coach, you probably have this amazing free offer.

Maybe it’s a freebie, maybe it’s a webinar that you want people to see.

So for one, you can get a potential client or customer’s email address by having them sign up for your freebie because that way you can nurture them and get them to see how awesome you are and want you to be their coach.

I know you have an email list, so therefore you want to make sure that people are getting eyes on your freebie offer all the time, consistently. And Pinterest is amazing for that.

You don’t have to be out here every single day telling people to click the link in your bio when you’re just not feeling like getting on Instagram or posting on Facebook.

You can just know that people are consistently being driven to your content because as they’re searching on Pinterest for your solution, they’re finding it and happily giving you their email address.

So your clientele and your ideal audience are just growing with ease – marketing on autopilot. So that’s the first thing.

The next way that Pinterest can grow your coaching biz is:

You can drive traffic to your sales funnels that you’re using for your services. 

So maybe you have different blog posts or even a podcast that you use to funnel people into your email list, or to find out about your services. You can drive traffic to these different things using Pinterest. 

Some of my clients use their podcasts as a way to attract their ideal clients. I know I found my coach through her podcast because that’s how I connected with her, I loved her podcast.

So there’s people out here on Pinterest who are definitely looking to find coaches.

And a lot of times they find you by listening to or reading your content that you have out there. And, if you’re dope, you’ll have yourself a warm audience to nurture even more. And then they can become your client in the future.

And you can really change their lives because that’s what you’re doing out here in these streets.

Another reason that Pinterest is great for growing your coaching biz is that:

You can drive traffic to your core sales pages or to your courses. 

A lot of coaches I know have free webinars or masterclasses to get people in, have them watch the masterclass, and then they offer their course at the end.

It’s really good to use Pinterest to drive traffic to that masterclass, to get people into your course, or you can also just drive people directly to your course sales page. You can also have free options on that page that gets them more interested, because like I’ve said before, Pinterest is cold traffic. 

So even though they might be looking for your course, if they don’t really know you that well, it might be a hard sell – but they will be more willing to give you their email address and get to know you more so they can see if your course is for them.

Or they might watch your masterclass to see if your course is for them, and really get to know you because people want to get to know the person they’re going to invest in to be their coach. So you want to have different options for them to get to know you, of course. 

You want to make sure with all these different things that you are really being very strategic with how you’re driving people to your content so they can get to know you. You want to nurture them. 

So if you’re driving people to your sales page, you want to make sure that you have a bomb ass sales page that lays everything out because Pinterest users do have money. They might be ready to spend, swipe their little card, but they have questions. So make sure your sales page has all the answers they need and you never know what can happen. 

So these are just a few ways that Pinterest can help your business as a coach grow. Traffic is so necessary and so key to find your ideal audience and get them to find you.

And on Pinterest, you don’t have to do anything. They find you and see if you’re right for them and then boom – coins.


So hopefully this was very helpful for my badass coaches out there who have been thinking about Pinterest and thinking about how it can serve them. This is just three of many ways that it can help you grow and scale your business and crush your goals like you need to be doing. And you probably already are, because like I said, you’re already out here winning, but it’s time to win even more. And you need Pinterest on your side.

If you’re still stuck on how to get started and tired of trying to figure out all the moving pieces to creating your profitable Pinterest strategy, make sure you get my Pinterest Profit Builder. This is a luxe checklist with my step by step framework on how to start taking people from Pinterest to PROFIT within 8 weeks.

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3 Ways to Scale Your Coaching Business Using Pinterest

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Presh Rodgers

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