Seeing your Pinterest monthly views and impressions diminishing is heartbreaking and to the point that you’re just like, throw Pinterest away. Like throw it away. I don’t want it. Like, no, it’s not working for me.
I get it.
When your stats are dropping or just not improving, you’re just like, what the hell is going on? But I don’t want you to throw Pinterest away, no, I’m going to tell you what to do if your Pinterest stats are dipping or just not improving.
I am Presh the Pinterest badass and awesome Instagram queen, and I help coaches, content creators, podcasters, and online business owners jumpstart, or enhance their Pinterest and provide strategies to skyrocket their visibility with or without ads.
I’m going to tell you the reasons, why, or a few reasons why your Pinterest stats or analytics could be dipping, dropping, or just not improving because I know, after putting so much effort and work in getting your Pinterest going, it can be very disheartening or defeating if your Pinterest stats are dropping, dipping, or just not going where you want them to go and it’s been months or weeks. And of course, if it’s been weeks give it a little bit more time, but we’re not going to go there. So let’s get into it.
So before we really get deep into it, I want to say this because I feel like it’s very important for me to say it as the Pinterest Badass, is that do not focus too much on monthly views and impressions. These things can be vanity numbers, but you should definitely still pay attention to them. There are certain reasons why I think it’s very important that you pay attention to your impressions, because then you can see more of what’s happening in the background. Like you’re not getting as many link clicks as you want. You’re not getting as many saves as you want, or just overall engagement. You really can’t get link clicks or saves if you aren’t getting any impressions. So let’s just make sure we get that out the way.
📍 Check your Keywords
The first reason why your impressions and your link clicks and your saves, all that might be dipping is possibly because your key wording is trash. I just really wanted to get that one out the way. Now, listen, if you’ve been working with Pinterest for a while and things have been great, but suddenly things start going down, think about if you’ve changed anything as far as your keywording. Do some research, see how you are coming up in the searches and see if you are even coming up in the searches.
📍 Your Content > Other People’s Content!
The second reason is you may be pinning too much of other people’s content. So one way you can check this is if your impressions are still up, make sure you’re checking the impressions for your website, your content and not all content or all pins that you’re pinning and see how your impressions on your content is doing. Because you can have high impressions and that’s because you’re pinning other people’s content and other people’s content is getting seen more. If your stats as far as your link clicks and your saves of your content is low, but your impressions are high, you might be pinning too much of other people’s content, because that means their content is being seen and yours isn’t. Their content might be getting link clicks, yours isn’t. So you want to make sure that you are focused on pinning more of your content and not too much of other people’s content. Pinterest wants you as a business to pin more of your content and less of other people’s.
Remember that you’re using Pinterest as a business to get your business, your content out there for Pinners, not to really share too much of other people’s content. It might sound a little selfish, but it isn’t, think about how you compare it to Instagram. You’re not really on Instagram and sharing all other people’s content on your feed too much, or at all. You might share it to your stories every once in a while, but you’re not out here on the gram having a feed if it’s for your specific business, full of other people’s content. So same thing for Pinterest, stop sharing other people’s content.
📍 Did you get flagged as spam?
And then the third reason why your Pinterest stats could be dropping or dipping, and this one can happen and you do not even know it because it happened to me and one of my clients, is that you have something marked as spam. So maybe some of your links that you’re sending traffic to have been marked as spam and because of that, people are not able to even go to your content or see the content because it has been marked as spam.
Now it does not mean that your content is actually spammy. It’s just that sometimes things get caught up in the Pinterest system and you get marked as spam or your links get marked as spam. So you have to go in and contact them and let them know the link that you’re sending it to is yours.
If your Pinterest stats are dropping, if you have questions, feel free to drop them below.
P.S. Keywording is one of the main reasons I see for people Pinterest stats dipping or just not improving. If your keywording is just not up to par or you think five keywords is enough, then you’re going to need a VIB Day session (the B is for badass).