If you’ve wondered about the differences between using Pinterest for your business versus using Instagram, then keep reading (or watching the video!).
I’ve been asked this question a lot and to be honest, they are very different. Apples and oranges!
But I’m going to keep things simple today and give you two of my favorites ways that really separates Pinterest from Instagram!
1. The first thing is that Pinterest is a search engine, search engine.
Like Google, like YouTube, you go there to search for something. You go there to search for a solution to your problem. So if you are a service provider, a coach, a digital product seller, a podcaster, a digital content creator and you have a solution that people are searching for well they’re probably on Pinterest searching for your solution and you’re probably not even there to give it to them.
But you want to be there and that’s why you’re reading this!
However if you’re not on Pinterest, I’m not going to lie, I’m judging you because you should be on Pinterest. Especially because Instagram isn’t a search engine and let’s be honest, when we’re on Instagram, we’re not searching. We can’t search really. Now you can go to hashtags, but you can’t actually type in what you’re looking for. Like how to do XYZ. You can’t do that on Instagram.
You can do that on Pinterest and find what you’re looking for.
So that’s the first thing.
Pinterest is a search engine, Instagram is not.
2. The second thing is links.
With Instagram, you have your link in your bio. Most people are not going to go to click the link in your bio, no matter how often you put that call to action there. The thing is, Instagram wants their users to stay on the platform. That’s the point — they want you to stay on Instagram. They don’t want you to leave. So that’s why you only get the option of one link.
Pinterest however, encourages its users to leave the platform. Obviously that’s the purpose because it’s a search engine. So all your pins get linked to whatever your digital product or your freebie or your course or your podcast episode, whatever you’re linking them to. You can easily link them and as soon as they click on your pin, they can go to that specific thing.
That’s another key difference between Pinterest and Instagram. The ease of getting people to your content and how each pin can have its own specific link while with Instagram you only get one. Use it well.
Those are just two things that I love to share with people when it comes to the differences between the two platforms and why you should use them both.
Pinterest is a traffic generating platform where you can have marketing on autopilot. Instagram is great for building a connection with your audience. They are not the same.
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