If Pinterest is taking you too much time, it probably means that you do not have a workflow in place.
What’s a workflow? Specifically for Pinterest, a workflow breaks down the different tasks that you have to do to maintain your Pinterest and creates a schedule around those tasks.
Say for instance, you have to create the content, create the pin designs, and schedule out the content. If every month or even every week and you have to waste time thinking okay, what do I have to do? Which content do I need to create pins for? What has already been pinned? What have I already done? Do these need pin designs? That can take a LOT of time away because you’re wasting it trying to figure out what you need to do.
Whereas, with a Pinterest Workflow you already know, okay, this week, I know all the different pieces of content I’m going to create for the month or I’ve created for the past month, because usually content is already done. And then the next week I want to create pins only for these pieces of content. And then the next week, I’m going to schedule these pieces of content onto Tailwind and have them pinning and going out onto Pinterest.
You are no longer wasting so much time trying to figure out all the things that you need to do.
When I sit down with my VIB Day clients, this is one of the things we create together in the Implementation portion of the VIB Day. We jot down all of their tasks and their desired schedule around how they’re going to make sure these things are getting implemented.
I teach them how to create a workflow, how to create a strategy and how to create a schedule around that workflow so that they (or someone on their team) are actually being efficient.
When it comes to actually marketing on Pinterest, you shouldn’t be spending hours upon hours upon hours on Pinterest marketing. When you have your schedule and your workflow in place, it won’t take you that long. Being aware of the things that you have to do and having a schedule around it is how you become more efficient and effective when it comes to maintaining your Pinterest.
If you’re interested in learning more about my Pinterest VIB day, feel free to send me a DM or click the link HERE to get all the deets about this wonderful intimate Pinterest soiree. It could be with just me and you, or me, you and somebody on your team. See you there!