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Hey guys, I’m just coming to you to say, I get asked a lot about where do I get started on Pinterest? So I’m just going to give it to you really quickly. You get started with the business account.
So you’re going to need to get a business account for your Pinterest. So either turn your current account to a business account or get a new account then specifically for your Pinterest for business, your business account. And this is so key and so necessary.
So that’s like the first thing you need to do and how you get started with Pinterest. And then from there, you can take your business accounts, use it to see your analytics, set up your rich pins, claim your website, all that good stuff. And I go through all this stuff for getting your Pinterest for business account and more into my Pinterest for Badasses Guidebook and checklist. So make sure you grab that here. But yes, that is the first step. So go out and get your Pinterest for business account, why are you still here?