5 Steps to Creating Your Basic Yet Badass Pinterest Sales Funnel

Pinterest Sales Funnel: Everything You Need to Know

Sales funnels are so necessary and so key if you are using Pinterest as a marketing tool. You definitely want to make sure that your funnel is set up correctly for Pinterest, so keep reading.

First of all, let me kind of break that down what a funnel is, just in case you don’t know.

A funnel basically gets someone from A to Z; Z being your service, your digital product, or whatever your main goal is for getting this traffic. 

You want your Pinterest sales funnel to be based around your goals. So when you’re building your funnel, you need to know what is the ultimate goal that you want your followers, your audience to take from Pinterest to that point.

So today we’re going to go through 5 steps you need to take to create your basic yet bad-ass sales funnel so that you are getting your people from Pinterest to your ultimate goal. 

Step 1: You need to get people from Pinterest to your email list – and that starts with your pins. 

You need to make sure that you’re creating new pins for your freebie every month.

Especially if you only have one or two main freebie opt-ins, you want to continuously create pins for those things and put them out there, keyworded so that the right people find it. And you’re getting people to those pins and they’re click-worthy. 

So that’s the most major thing because you can’t get people into your Pinterest funnel if they aren’t clicking on your pins.

That’s the very, very beginning of your funnel. You want to make sure that you’re creating the right kind of pins that stop the scroll to get people from your A (which is Pinterest) to Z (which is your ultimate goal for getting them onto your email list).

Step 2: Have a lead magnet opt-in freebie that is bomb

You want people to see your freebie and to want it.

You want people to quickly be like, “Oh, take my email address because I want this free thing that you’re giving away.”


So your freebie could be a webinar, it could be a checklist, it could be an eBook. There are so many free offers that people are giving away out here. 

So these are your freebies that you’re usually using to get someone’s email address. That’s a key step for your Pinterest funnel is having that lead magnet, that opt-in that people will use so that you can get their email addresses.

Step 3 (optional): Having an intro offer or a tripwire

I know we’ve all seen this before, we give our email address for a freebie we want and then the thank you page is actually an offer for something else.

It could be a course, it could be some templates, it could be a book, a number of things, but they’re usually offering it to you at a discounted rate; that’s a tripwire. 

That’s a very good tactic to use because a lot of times, if you don’t get the sale of that low ticket offer, you at least got their email address. You can do that as part of your funnel. 

So your funnel can go from email address to actual tripwire, or you can just have the email address and then the next step would be putting them onto an email sequence.

Step 4: Automate your email sequence

You want to have a sequence that is already set up to nurture them, anywhere from 3-7 emails, and take them through the process of pitching them your ultimate goal.

If your ultimate goal is selling them on your products and your services, that should be happening through that sequence. 

So you will of course introduce yourself, maybe give a little bit of backstory. You’ve been a part of email sequences, right? You get where I’m going with this.

So you’re going to create that and make sure that you have it set up so that it automatically runs anytime someone signs up for that freebie so that you don’t have to do anything. It’s just a natural automation that’s happening in the background. 

A lot of the traffic that you get from Pinterest will be what I call cold-warm traffic; meaning it’s cold traffic, but they’re a little bit warm because of the fact that when they’re on Pinterest, they were already searching for something.

So now, they found your something and they’re cold to you, but they’re warm to what you’re offering

So they’re like, okay, I want this, I’m interested in this, and now you have to kind of introduce them to you and get them to be on your team. You know, fall in love with you, charm them so they get whatever you’re selling, whether it’s your course, your coaching program, getting them to listen to your podcasts, purchase your digital products, all that good stuff that you’re over here being a badass about. 



Step 5: Don’t just sell them in the welcome sequence

It should not be “Here’s who I am, buy my shit.”

Like, no, do a little bit more nurturing. They don’t know you. Get them to fall in love with you like I said. 

Charm them and then start offering them your services or your products, but also give them value in that sequence. Don’t just expect them to buy so quickly without getting a little bit of value from you. People love value. 

So you’re giving value in the sequence, but you’re also introducing them to all your different, wonderful offers that you have out there. So it’s a win-win situation for both parties.

So there’s multiple kinds of funnels out there. And that’s one of my favorite ones to use because it usually gets people not just on your email list, but you can also sell them on your services or your products or your digital content offers. And that’s key to getting people to be that warm audience that you want because they’re on your email list. 

And now you can just, you know, make them your next victim or something. That’s what I do. Just saying.


When it comes to using Pinterest for your business you have to put in the work to set it up for greatness. If you don’t, Pinterest won’t be the GOAT 🐐 for you. And you don’t wanna miss out on this greatness like everyone else?⁣⁠

Nope! You want to be a badass at Pinterest. 🙌🏾⁣⁠

My Pinterest VIB Day (yes b for badass!) is made for the badass coach or content creator that knows how great Pinterest can be for their business and is ready to make the investment so six months to a year from now they can look back and say “damn, this was one of THEE BEST investments I made to elevate my business”

There’s only a limited amount of spots each month so don’t miss out! Get all the deets by clicking here.

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What Your Pinterest Sales Funnel Is Missing to Convert

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Presh Rodgers

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