How to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Strategy Tips for Businesses

People are on Pinterest searching for your products, valuable content, and services.

Do you need me to repeat that? 🗣 THEY SEARCHING FOR YOUR SOLUTIONS!

And what are you doing? You’re here reading my blog questioning if what I’m saying is true (or you already know it’s true). ⁣

But for real: Pinterest is the GOAT (greatest of all time) for online businesses, products, and services. Especially right now.

If you don’t have a solid strategy in place to help you market on Pinterest, you’ll be missing out on all kinds of sales and clients.

So we are going to talk about some of the tips and strategies that I do to improve my own Pinterest marketing strategy and my client’s Pinterest marketing strategy. So I hope you got your notebook. 

Start with your pin images 

Pinterest is a visual search engine. So that means that your pin images are very important. 

So, if you are not seeing results like you want from Pinterest, you might want to look at your pin images and see which ones aren’t performing well and which ones are performing well.

And even if you are pinning other people’s content, look at their pins that are performing very well, see how their pins look and see how you can make pins based on that template that they’re using, because it might be all in your pin images. 

Also, if you have old content that you have created pin images for, create new pin images for that old concept and put it right back up there because Pinterest loves fresh pin images.


Create new boards often 

Really reassess when you need to create new boards for your Pinterest.

Because you might start off creating a Pinterest with 10 to 15 boards, but as you continue on the platform and as your business grows, you might be changing your niche, or you might be creating more content and you can create more relevant boards for those pieces of content. 

Say, for instance, you are a coach and you originally had boards around your freebie offer, around your course offers, around your different webinars and your boards really touch on those things, but then you create a podcast. Now you can create boards that are based around the topics on your podcast. 

So make sure that you always create new boards that are relevant that you can pin your content to.

And to add onto that, also really look at your current content and think, okay, what boards do I not have around my current content that I can create that will speak to my ideal audience?

You want the guidebook plus a checklist on everything you need to do to set your Pinterest up for greatness yourself? Sign up below!

Use of hashtags

Now, if you’re on Pinterest and you created a pin description and you put 30 hashtags in that pin description, like you do on Instagram, you’re using Pinterest hashtags incorrectly.

Hashtags on Pinterest are different from hashtags on Instagram. 

So usually I recommend no more than five hashtags (though really they aren’t necessary so Pinterest said in 2020) on a pin title or a pin description. And those hashtags should be very keyword specific.

So if you are a business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneur could be a hashtag because that’s very keyword specific, that type of entrepreneur or it could be business coaching for women or business coaching for spiritual entrepreneurs. Those can be your hashtags that you use, or business tips for XYZ

Do not use 30 hashtags. Please don’t. It’s not Instagram. It’s Pinterest. Just remember that.

Treat them differently because they are different.


Pinterest 100

Pinterest usually releases their top 100 trends, I believe in December for the upcoming year. And it’s based on the top trends to try when it comes to Pinterest. So if you pay attention to this list, you can see what a lot of people might be searching for in the year to come. 

So in 2020, I believe social media detox was ranked very high. Thrifted wedding dresses was ranked high. So different trends, it’s 100 of them, I’m not going to tell you all of them, but you can go on that list and really see what people are researching and searching for.

And then think of ways that you can incorporate these trends into your Pinterest, if it’s relevant to your content.

Target your audience 

When you are creating your Pinterest strategy or revamping your Pinterest strategy, you need to be thinking about your audience. 

What are their pain points and what solutions are they searching for that you can solve?

You are making sure that you’re specific about what you’re putting out there as the solution to their specific problem. The boards you’re creating, the pins you’re creating, the copy on the pin images. You need to be thinking about these things so that you’re attracting the right people. 

There are 300+ million people on Pinterest now, you definitely want to attract the right ones because you don’t want to have people on your email list or listening to your podcast or any of that stuff that’s not your right audience. 

You want your people. You always want to be speaking directly to and targeting your people. 

So those are my tips for improving your Pinterest marketing strategy. Thank me later once you get on Pinterest and start attracting your dream clients ‘cause they’re there searching for your badass content!!⁣


When it comes to using Pinterest for your business you have to put in the work to set it up for greatness. If you don’t, Pinterest won’t be the GOAT 🐐 for you. And you don’t wanna miss out on this greatness like everyone else?⁣⁠

Nope! You want to be a badass at Pinterest. 🙌🏾⁣⁠

My Pinterest VIB Day (yes b for badass!) is made for the badass coach or content creator that knows how great Pinterest can be for their business and is ready to make the investment so six months to a year from now they can look back and say “damn, this was one of THEE BEST investments I made to elevate my business”

There’s only a limited amount of spots each month so don’t miss out! Get all the deets by clicking here.

Share this post on Pinterest and follow my Instagram for more #pinningwithpresh Pinterest tips!


How to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

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Presh Rodgers

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