Some marketing strategies just go together like salt and pepper, like Bert and Ernie, like Aang and Katara (any Avatar fans around here?), or like me and Netflix binges.
And today I’m going to talk about how Pinterest and Instagram go together, like peanut butter and jelly. So keep reading if you’re ready to uplevel your marketing strategy for your coaching biz, because you need to use both of these platforms. They work together to grow your coaching business, and I’m going to tell you how. So let’s get into it.
As a coach, you know that it’s important that you engage with your dream clients. It’s important that they get to know you, that they interact with you and they build that know, like, and trust.
Instagram is perfect for building relationships.
You want to cultivate a community on Instagram. You want to turn your followers into a community of action takers because from your Instagram, they’re learning about you. They are getting to know you, they’re building that know-like-trust factor.
And that is so key when you want people to click the link in your bio, to want to work with you, and to be ready for you to launch a new program.
You want to have all that happening.
And that’s what happens when you are showing up on Instagram, engaging with people, building relationships, and cultivating that community that you want. That’s how you build an audience of people who are going to be so excited to work with you or at least tell people about you, because that’s the thing — you never know where referrals can come from.
So it’s really good to use Instagram to build your community. That’s what Instagram is made for, the engagement, the building relationships, the cultivating communities. You need it as a coach and it’s a very, very important part of turning your followers into action takers.
Pinterest is great for working in the background on autopilot.
You use Pinterest to drive traffic to your content and to hook in those dream soulmate clients, without lifting a finger. You just create your pins, drive traffic to them and boom; leads. Like, you just let them come to you.
They work so well together, Pinterest and Instagram. You need them both to excel and to grow your business.
Just because your business is doing great on one platform, say Instagram, doesn’t mean you can’t have a backup platform, especially one like Pinterest that works without you having to do much. Pinterest is very low maintenance, and it’s a marketing strategy that works in the very long term.
Pinterest will have people finding your content consistently without you having to do anything extra.
So the moral of this is that you want to be making sure that you’re using both of these platforms as a coach, especially if you have evergreen content.
They both will help you to get more eyes on your content, grow your email list with action takers and overall skyrocket your visibility so that you are consistently bringing in those leads and getting that know like, and trust factor, engaging with your community and cultivating the community that you want with action takers. So make sure you are using both platforms. And when you’re using Pinterest, you get some of your time back, so you can enjoy the finer things in life like naps and Netflix binges.
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