Pinning With Presh Blog

Who Won’t Pinterest Marketing Work For?
Who won’t Pinterest marketing work for? Read this blog post to find out if you’re creating content for Pinterest that will work and who Pinterest won’t work for.

Where Do I Get Started on Pinterest?
Pinterest marketing doesn’t have to be hard. Check out this blog for the easy first step to using Pinterest to grow your business, make more money, and get more clients!

If your Pinterest stats are dipping, this could be why.
If your Pinterest traffic is dropping here’s what you need to know to improve your Pinterest traffic to grow your Pinterest and improve your Pinterest marketing.

How to Use Pinterest and IG to Grow Your Email List for FREE!
How To Grow Your Email List With Pinterest and Instagram plus five lead magnet options to grow your email list organically.

How to Be Consistent with Pinterest Marketing
Learn the key parts of a Pinterest marketing workflow so that you can consistently show up on Pinterest without burnout or overwhelm.

Pinterest is a Search Engine, But What Exactly Does That Mean?
Pinterest Keyword and SEO optimization is key to growing your Pinterest traffic and using it as a marketing platform.

3 Key Things for Successful Pinterest Ads
Here are 3 things you need to run a successful Pinterest Ad campaign.

What is a Pinterest Workflow and Why You Need One
When it comes to actually marketing on Pinterest, you shouldn’t be spending hours upon hours upon hours on Pinterest marketing

Presh Rodgers
head badass in charge
At The Pinning Oasis, we help online businesses & content creators pimp Pinterest to get more eyes on their content, grow their email list, sell more products & overall drive more people and profit to their business with Pinterest!